Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Ultimate 80's Music List - READ FIRST

The Idea ...

Recently I started thinking about doing a top ten list of 80's songs. When I went to create my list it quickly grew and before I knew it, I had 50 songs. It wasn't long after that, I realized I was steamrolling to 100. 

Even though I've seen many lists like mine, that are personal opinions of what constitutes a favorites list, I actually created a few rules for myself. 

RULE NUMBER 1: There are many bands that I like from the 80's, some more than others, I wanted to follow this rule closely. No band can be on the list twice. They can be on the list if they appear as a solo act or with another band, but those can only appear once too. I did this because while I enjoy reading other's lists it's a little off putting at times to see bands like Husker Du listed 10 times in a top 100. Again, that's just an opinion, but the vast majority of 80's people can't tell you even one Husker Du song.

RULE NUMBER 2: The second rule I tried hard to follow, and was successful for the most part. I wanted to stay away from songs that got too much radio airplay or MTV time. I could have easily plugged in Cyndi Lauper, Michael Jackson, Men at Work, U2, and The Police and just called it a day. But everyone knows those songs. I wanted a list that represented the other stuff I listened to. The stuff I'd still listen to today if it were to come on a radio or be stored on my phone. That's how this list was determined. What songs have stuck in my mind, that bring back memories, that I'd take with me to a desert island to help pass the time. The songs I truly identified with, when I found myself alone with nothing but the song to listen to.

RULE NUMBER 3: PLEASE IGNORE THE DATE POSTED. I'VE HAD TO PUT OLDER DATES ON THE NEWER POSTS. I've done this because all new posts will automatically be placed at the bottom of the page. Since this is a countdown I wanted 101 to 91 to be first, followed by 90 to 81 and so on. This format is a little strange since new posts on a blog are typically placed at the top of the page. This can only be accomplished by forcing the new posts to have older dates.

Lists are a picture in time and are completely subjective. Chances are that I could make this list next week and many of these songs might still be here or they could easily be left off because I remembered some that had special meaning. You may not agree with the list and what is missing. That's OK, because I urge you to make your own list and share it with the world. I want to see your list, and travel down memory lane. Hopefully finding a musical gem that I've never been lucky enough to hear. That's what I hope happens for you when you look over my list. That you either say "Wow I forgot about that song." or "I have to add that song to my playlist because it's pretty cool." Regardless, I hope you enjoy this list. 

As mentioned above, the following posts will be presented as a countdown to number 1. Starting with the first ten songs representing songs 100 through 91. Each post will bring 10 more songs until we reach number 1, that one song that still resonates in me today almost 30 years later. If I have something to say about a particular song I'll post a comment above each one.

Feel free to post a comment. I've turned off the need to sign in or sign up, so if you wish you can post anonymously.

Without further adieu ... Here's my definitive list of 80's songs that shaped my decade. Enjoy.

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