The Choices ...
As for the choices ... You know, I could have easily gone to and just picked all of the number one songs from the 80's and then just phoned it in. But that would have been so boring and in no way would it have been representative of me. But this list was never about what was the most popular. This list was meant to introduce people to some of the songs they may have missed, even if they were teenagers during that time. For example, I didn't always choose the song some artists were most famous for. The reason for that is simple, I may have felt that another song of theirs was much better, even if it didn't quite get the same attention and airplay as their biggest hit.

I want to make it clear that I'm not typing this to make excuses, because I'm happy with all of my choices. Again, these were the songs that shaped my decade. Besides, I can honestly say that we never drove down the road screaming Michael Jackson or Madonna songs at the top of our lungs. It just didn't happen for us. But that's not to say it didn't happen for you. This is another reason I've asked others to share their favorites. To show me their top ten songs so that I can see just how different we all are. Start a blog and give us a place to view some of the things that made you who you are today. Share that blog in the comments below, and I promise it will not be removed.
Some people will be old enough to remember the days of creating mix tapes. Maybe even sharing those tapes with others. Later they became mix CDs. Today they are playlists. Many of which you can find by doing a search on Google or YouTube. These mix tapes, mix CDs, and playlists aren't just so we can share songs with others. They are created so we can share with the world who we are. So we can say ... This is what makes me into me. I guess that's what I like best about my 101 songs, is that they create a definitive picture of who I am in a language we can all understand. They prove that music shapes our lives, just as these songs have shaped me.
Music is in our blood, it's part of our DNA. If you don't believe me then look at a baby when music is played. That's when you will see a very young infant do something unprovoked by his or her parents. They will start to bounce, doing their version of dancing. That's because from the moment we take our first breath, to the moment we take our last ... Music plays a role in every aspect of our lives. It breaks down barriers and unifies each and every one of us.
Music brings us together and makes us social. It can also make us want to spend time by ourselves allowing us to be introspective. It makes us happier than we could ever imagine, but it also makes us sad enough to cry at times. It becomes the soundtrack of our journey through life. It's there in the background during all of our triumphs, while it's also there during the times we're not sure if we will make it through another day. It reminds us that we aren't alone in this world. It speaks to us, and tells the story of our lives.
So when you see these songs that populate my list, what you see is one solitary human being sharing a piece of who they are. It's my version of a gift from me to you. You won't always like the choices, but who knows, you might find out you like some of the songs. It is also my hope you'll read the comments to gain a better understanding of why some of these songs are deserving of a spot on this particular list. I said in the beginning that top ten, top twenty, or even top 101 lists are very subjective. Again, that's why I love reading other's opinions and choices, because I get a chance to peek behind the curtain to see what makes others into the person they are.
Whatever the choices may be on this list. Whether you agree with them or not. The plain truth is that at least we are still talking about something that is near and dear to all of us across this wonderful planet. We are talking about the one thing that ties us together as human beings, and soothes our souls. That doesn't separate us because of our nationality, race, sexual orientation, religion, or geography. That defines every step we take, and lends meaning to the emotions each of us feel. It's the one single thread that holds us all together as one. That assures us that tomorrow might be better than today, and that everything will be OK.
It's music, and isn't that a beautiful thought?
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